Sector Projects


+55 11 3170-1866
São Paulo - SP
Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 2367 - 12ª andar, conj.1201 Jardim Paulista | Zipcode: 01401-000

Objectives of the ABIMDE-APEX Sectorial Project (2019-2020)

1 Develop and implement the insertion platforms (non-exporting companies) and export consolidation platforms (intermediate and advanced companies), involving: market monitoring, better use of fairs and continued and integrated actions in key markets.

2 Execute, in a structured and integrated way, an international promotion plan for the short-term sector (two years) coordinated by ABIMDE-APEX, with the key involvement of the MD and MRE.

3 Insert non-exported, prepared and qualified companies in the international market.

4 Greater integration of the project companies in the execution of the promotion plan and in the medium and long-term sector agenda.

Member Service

(11) 3170-1860

São Paulo - SP

Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, Nº 2,367 | 12º andar, Conjunto 1201 a 1207 - Jardim Paulista - Zipcode: 01401900

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