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BR Defense Industrial SA

Schroeder - SC
Rua Germano Oberthir, 98 - Schroeder | Zipcode: 89.275-000
(47) 98919-6865
Leandro Waismann Candido - international.business@brdefense.ind.br
Classification: aeronaves - partes e peças, aircrafts - parts and pieces; aerial photo., armament maintenance, manutenção de armamento, foguetes, rockets, cabeças de guerra, warhead, bombas de penetração, drilling bombs, bombas de fragmentação, cluster bombs, bombas de fins gerais, general purpose bombs, bombas aéreas de exercício, training air bombs, air bombs, bombas aéreas, motores de foguete, rocket engines, armamento pesado, heavy weapons .

Member Service

(11) 3170-1860

São Paulo - SP

Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, Nº 2,367 | 12º andar, Conjunto 1201 a 1207 - Jardim Paulista - Zipcode: 01401900

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